Nutrition & Health
How to choose a healthy cooking oil?
Be aware of your cooking oil health/nutrition value. It is of paramount importance.
Healthy Oil for a Healthy Heart
Healthy Oil for a Healthy Heart Palm oil is one of the 17 edible oils cited by Codex Alimentarius, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAQ) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as an edible oil suitable for human consumption. As an oil of plant origin, palm oil is cholesterol free. It has a balanc...
Reach and Remind Friends of the Industry Seminar 2020 and Dialogue – Download Papers
PROGRAMME Papers Paper 1: Collapse or Rebirth: The Great Transition to Post-Carbon Civilization Nafeez Ahmad, UK Journalist/Author Paper 2 : MPOC 2020 Perspectives: Markets, Promotions and Challenges Datuk Dr. Kalyana Sundram, Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) Expert Panel Session : Biofuels –...
Palm Oil Health Awareness Evening Forum for Health and Nutrition Related Professionals 2019
Palm Oil Health Awareness Evening Forum is one of MPOC’s signature events in collaboration with the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA Wilayah Persekutuan, Penang and Pahang Branch), Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) and Penang Medical Practitioners’ Society (PMPS). The main objective was to ge...
CEO DAY@UPM and Launch of UPM TENERA Association In conjunction with “Love My Palm Oil” Campaign, 18 April 2019, Universiti Putra Malaysia
The CEO Day@UPM 2019 was jointly organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) with Faculty of Food Science & Technology (FSTM) as the main secretariat and Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC). The program was organized in conjunction with ‘Love MY Palm Oil’ campaign (LMPO), launched by our Pr...