Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC), through the Science, Environment and Sustainability Division is pleased to present our science-based webinar series to update the palm oil industry stakeholders on the latest developments in the area of sustainability, environment, health and nutrition. Experts in these fields will be invited to present regularly to create awareness and knowledge-building among industry stakeholders.
Webinar Series 4 Details:
Date: Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Time: 3.00 – 5.00 pm (GMT +8)
Crude Palm Oil is the world’s richest natural plant source of carotenoids. Malaysian crude palm oil contains 500 to 700 ppm carotenoids, of which 37% is α- and 50% is β-carotene. Carotenoids are characteristically reddish in colour and possess high antioxidant properties. Carotenoids are well-known for their pro-vitamin A activity, beneficial effect for skin health and are involved in various biological mechanisms in human physiology.
The modified refining process of Malaysian Crude Palm Oil involves pre-treatment followed by deodorization and deacidification by molecular distillation. This produces Red Palm Oil that meets the quality specifications of refined oils while retaining many of its beneficial minor components. Malaysian Red Palm Oil is a highly nutritious premium vegetable oil. This event will update participants on the current scientifically proven information of the nutritional and health benefits of carotenoids from Malaysian Red Palm Oil.
Associate Professor Dr. Norhaizan Mohd Esa
Dr. Norhaizan Mohd Esa has received her PhD in nutritional biochemistry from the University of Surrey, UK. She is an Associate Professor in Nutritional Biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and also an Associate Researcher at the Bioscience Institute, UPM. Her research interest is studying the effect of bioactive compounds extracted from herbs and by-products from plant processing on non-communicable diseases by using in vitro and in vivo models. She has published more than 120 referred journal articles, 4 books and 10 books chapter, and has attracted over 2800 citations for her work (with an h-index of 29).
Associate Professor Dr. Tony Ng Kock Wai
Dr. Tony Ng was Research Officer with the Institute for Medical Research (IMR), Kuala Lumpur for 35 years where he retired at “Gred Khas C” as the Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre in 2004. Thereafter, he joined the International Medical University (IMU) in Kuala Lumpur for a period of 10 years where he finished his contract in December 2016 as Associate Professor at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. He later joined the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Kampar, Perak in 2017 as Associate Professor and was with the University until June 2020, where he conducted as Main Supervisor, a Masters Project funded by UTAR and MPOB entitled “Comparison of the effects of virgin coconut oil and virgin palm kernel on inflammation and cardiovascular risk in a rodent model”. Dr. Tony Ng was Fellow and a founding member of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia. He had been involved with Palm Oil Research for 48 years and his area of expertise was on “Fats and oils, especially palm oil, in human nutrition”. He obtained his B.Sc Honours from the University of Malaya in 1971, his Masters of Community Health (Nutrition) from the University of Queensland, Australia in 1980 and his PhD from the University of Malaya in 1987/88 with a PhD thesis entitled “Nutritional and Biochemical studies of palm oil as an edible fat in the rat”. Over the years, Dr. Tony had served in the expert SN2 Panel of MPOB, Nutrition Consultant (Ad hoc basis) of MPOB and Resource Officer/Professional Editor of “Nutrition Briefs”, Palm Oil Promotion Council (MPOPC) for several years.
Associate Professor Dr. Nyam Kar Lin
Dr. Nyam Kar Lin is the Head of Research and Postgraduate Studies at Faculty of Applied Sciences, UCSI University. Dr. Nyam has published over 108 papers in international refereed journals in various high impact journals and 4 book chapters. Dr. Nyam has a h-index of 22. Up to date, Dr. Nyam has supervised more than 75 undergraduates and 9 masters and 6 PhD students’ projects by research (main supervisor). Her areas of research specialisation are plant seed oils, fats and oils chemistry and technology, nanotechnology, microencapsulation and cosmetic technology. Dr. Nyam is the top 1% researcher in ESI list for Agricultural Sciences.
Dr. Radhika Loganathan
Dr. Radhika Loganathan is a Research Officer under the Nutrition Unit of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). She offers 10 years of expertise in palm oil nutrition focusing on red palm oil and phytonutrient research. She graduated as Biochemist from the University of Malaya (UM). She holds an MSc. Medical Sciences from the International Medical University and a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from UM under MPOB scholarship. She was the recipient of the “JOS Best Author Award 2020”, “SFRR Young Scientist Award 2011”, “Best of the Best Poster Award from PIPOC 2015”, “JKP Gemilang Award 2006” and several internal awards from MPOB.