
Environment & Sustainability

Recent Studies Further Confirm that Oil Palm Cultivation is not the Main Cause of Deforestation

Some things go hand in hand. One of them is that a growing world population needs more food which requires more land to produce. The reality is that the world population keeps on growing and growing. With a world population of 7.4 billion in 2016, this will grow to 9.9 billion in 20501, which is a s...

Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) to be Made Mandatory by 2019

The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) has recently announced that Malaysia’s certification scheme for sustainable palm oil will now be made mandatory1,2. The scheme, known as the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) was first launched in 2015, based on the MSPO standards (MS2...

Field visit to tell a more compelling story on palm oil in Europe

To better understand challenges of sustainable palm oil, several European alliances for sustainable palm oil visited both Malaysia and Indonesia last November, an initiative by the European Palm Oil Alliance (EPOA). The purpose of the visit was to strengthen the links between Europe and Asia, to enh...

MPOC-SWD Human-Wildlife Conflict Workshop – Download Presentations

MPOC-SWD Human-Wildlife Conflict Workshop – Download Presentations MPOC, in collaboration with Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) recently organised a biodiversity conservation workshop in Sandakan, Sabah. This is MPOC’s second event on human-wildlife conflicts this year, with the first bei...

Yes, unmask palm oil, but get your facts straight

The recent “Unmask Palm Oil” campaign circulating around New Zealand and Australia is advocating for the mandatory labeling of palm oil in products. The Malaysian palm oil industry in essence supports this labeling. Consumers deserve to know what’s in their food. Of course, this labeling should go b...

Oil palm has closest resemblance to forest than other major oil crops

It may surprise you to know that there are more than 800 definitions for ‘forests and wooded areas’ in the world, according to a study carried out by Lund (2008). Some countries even have several definitions of forest in use at the same time.