Environment & Sustainability
MPOC Responds to BBC1
31 May, 2006 Mr. Jon Beazley BBC One Television Centre We refer to the BBC1 television quiz programme at 8pm on May 28 – ‘Test the Nation: Know Your Planet’ – in which a question and a multiple-choice answer linked oil palm cultivation to destruction of orang utan habitats. We ask that this be corr...
Grumble In The Wrong Jungle
The Observer’s article (Grumble in the Jungle dated 18 June) is a sad misrepresentation of the current state of the palm oil industry and efforts taken to protect wildlife, particularly here in Malaysia. Mr Phil Hogan had a clearly negative view of the topic, but could not present factual arguments...
MPOC Reply To The Daily Mail
Michael Hanlon’s article (26.03.2007) headed “How turning your car green could wipe out the orang-utan…” contains some challenging statements about the biofuels industry. As the Malaysian palm oil industry is recognised as setting the world’s highest standards of sustainable rainforest management an...