Environment & Sustainability
MPOC’s View on Indirect Land Use Change Consultation
The Malaysian palm oil industry is supportive of the concerns of indirect land use change (iLUC). These encompasses the concern of large indirect emissions of GHG, new land being opened up or land displaced due to the biofuel demand and impact on local population.
Potential of Palm Oil for Developing Countries
sustainable land management is required to ensure that scarce resources can be used on continuous basis. Much arable land is lost through unsustainable use, resulting in soil degradation from erosion and desertification.
Palm Oil – The Green Answer
Palm oil is the only product able to sustainably and efficiently meet a large portion of the world's increasing demand for oil crop-based consumer goods, foodstuffs and biofuel.
What Daily Telegraph Readers Should Read
This letter which is now published as an open letter to readers was sent by MPOC to the editor of Daily Telegraph in response to The Great Ape Scandal article. The Great Ape Scandal article in the Daily Telegraph, January 21, 2006Contrary to the impressions given by Mr. Stanley Johnson in his articl...
The Independent Recycle Old Information
The EditorThe IndependentIndependent House, May 26, 2006 The article by The Independent (Shoppers’ thirst for palm oil threatens to wipe out orangutan, 23 May) is a sad misrepresentation of the current state of the Malaysian palm oil industry. The Independent was invited to attend a symposium on...