Read the market highlights articles related to the infographic above by clicking the title below
Bangladesh Oils & Fats Review & Outlook
The prices of global commodities have soared over the past two years which is fueled by variety of factors, including supply shortages, disruption in supply chain, manpower shortages, and increasing energy prices. Prices of major traded edible oils have also increased significantly in the last two y...
Palm Oil Market Potential in Pakistan Heading Towards 2022
Pakistan is home to the world’s fifth most populous country, with a population exceeding 225.2 million and its middle-class citizens continue to grow. The country’s middle-class section is estimated at around 35% of the total population. The vast population and growing middle-class households have t...
MPO in Bangladesh: What to Expect in the Price-Sensitive Market
Review on Oils and Fats Performance for 1st Half of 2021 Since March 2020, Bangladesh had been dealing with a blow caused by the pandemic that threatened the daily life of its people and the country’s economy, with industrial output, mainly the manufacturing and the services sectors suffering the bi...
Vanaspati & Shortening Industries of Bangladesh – Loyal Consumer of Palm Oil
There are 4 major sectors in Bangladesh, namely household consumers, vanaspati & shortening industries, food processing industries and HORECA sector and these 4 sectors together are consuming almost 100% of annual consumption of 1.5 million tonnes of palm oil. Current annual production quantity ...
Positioning MPO as More Lucrative to Bangladeshi Palm Oil Importers
Bangladesh annually consumes about 3 million tonnes of edible oils of which about 1.5 million tonnes is palm oil, on an average. Other two oils are soyabean oil and rapeseed/mustard oil. Average consumption share of these three oils in total consumption are respectively 53%, 42% and 5%. Palm oil is ...
Infographic – Market Update & Opportunities in Bangladesh
Read the market highlights articles related to the infographic above by clicking the title below Bangladesh Food Industry – Continuous Growth and Growing Potential for Palm Oil Consumption Bangladesh has emerged as one of the economic powers in South Asia. According to October 2020 report by Interna...
Bangladesh Food Industry – Continuous Growth and Growing Potential for Palm Oil Consumption
Bangladesh has emerged as one of the economic powers in South Asia. According to October 2020 report by International Monetary Fund (IMF), the country has overtaken India in terms of per capita GDP scoring US$ 1,888. Just five years ago, India’s per capita GDP was around 40% higher than Bangladesh. ...
Outlook for Palm Oil Demand in the Subcontinent Region – Q4 2020
The countries in the subcontinent region are important export destinations for Malaysian palm oil. During Jan-Nov 2020 period, MPO exports to this region recorded 3.68 million MT against 5.65 million MT which was registered during the same period of last year (refer to Table 1). Table 1: Malaysian P...
The Potential for Animal Feed Industry in Bangladesh Amidst Covid-19 Impact
Poultry and cattle farming have become an integral part of Bangladesh’s agro-based economy and rural livelihood. The sub-sectors of agriculture are livestock, poultry, fish and fisheries. Due to increasing demand, commercial poultry, cattle and fish farms have been gaining prominence over the last t...
Bangladesh Edible Oil Refining Sector: A Potential Destination for Malaysian FDI
MARKET OVERVIEW: Average per capita consumption of oils and fats in Bangladesh has increased steadily during the last decade accordingly to Oil World. Per capita consumption of oils and fats is now approaching 19 kgs. Both population growth and consumer power has contributed to this. Steady economic...
Upcoming Challenges for Palm Oil and MPO in Bangladesh Market
Market Overview: Bangladesh is a lower-middle income category country with a 170 million population size. Steady economic progress achieved during the last couple of years has contributed greatly in generating a life style change of a major population segment. ADB’s report shows that Banglades...
India’s Tryst with Trade Agreements
Globalization has seen the world become a neighborhood, impacting businesses in myriad ways. It allows easy access to goods and services from the best source, keeping costs down, and providing freer and cheaper access to consumers, trade and industry. With the world having shrunk, there is glo...
Rise of MPO Market Share in Bangladesh – Making Investment Opportunities Lucrative
During Jan. – June period of 2020, the market share of MPO has increased significantly and has put Malaysia at a respectable position in the palm oil market share in the Bangladesh’s palm oil market once more. Price competitiveness of MPO compared to Indonesian suppliers contributed mainly in the sa...
Resilience of MPO Share in Bangladesh And Malaysian Investment Opportunity
MPOB data shows that export of MPO during Jan. – May period of 2020 to Bangladesh witnessed a significant growth to the tune of about 8 folds as compared to the corresponding of period of 2019 (Table – 1). Price competitiveness of MPO during the period contributed greatly towards this remarkable gro...
Forecast on Import Trend of Oils and Fats in Bangladesh During May – June, 2020
Due to COVID – 19, consumtion vis-à-vis import of edible oils have declined significantly, like many other commodities. Until April 2020, total 566,771 tonnes of palm oil was imported in the country registering a marginal decline by 1.55% compared to the corresponding period of 2019, whereas import ...
India Tackles Covid-19 Fallout
The COVID-19 crisis has roiled the economy of India, like most other economies around the world. Figures of unemployment released as of April 2020, at 24%, paint a frightening picture. Besides fighting the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic on the health of its people, the Government Of India ...
Summary of the Webinar on Mitigating the Impact of Covid-19 on Malaysian Palm Oil Trade
MPOC hosted a webinar on ‘Mitigating the Impact of Covid-19 on Malaysian Palm Oil Trade’ on May 12, 2020. This webinar was moderated by Datuk Dr. Kalyana Sundram, CEO of MPOC. The distinguished panellists included Datuk Nageeb Wahab, CEO of MPOA; Mr. Mohd Haris Arshad, Managing Director of Sime Darb...
Suspension of Indian Import Licences for RBD Palm Products
Prior to Jan 2020, all palm oil and other vegetable oils were under the Free List category, i.e. imports did not require any license or permits. All this changed on 8th Jan 2020 when RBD Palm oil products, including RBD Olein (RBDPOP) were removed from the free list. This was a direct consequence of...
Impact of COVID–19 on Ramadan Consumption of Oils and Fats
Ramadan, the peak consumption period of oils and fat, especially palm oil in Bangladesh is about to commence. However, because of MCO (Movement Control Order) imposed by the Government to arrest spreading of COVID – 19, trading of oils and fats have fallen drastically to about one third of normal tr...
Impressive Increase in 1st Quarter, 2020 Imports of MPO in Bangladesh
During Jan.-Mar. period of 2020, the import quantity of MPO showed a stunning performance achieving 121.12% growth compared to the corresponding period of 2019. Total import quantity of MPO, which includes bulk and consumer packs both, was 29,893 tonnes against 13,519 tonnes in the 1st quarter of 20...
Outlook for Palm Oil Demand in the Indian Subcontinent Region – Q2 2020
The South Asian countries in the Indian subcontinent region are important export destinations for Malaysian palm oil. At the end of 2019, MPO exports to this region registered an unprecedented record of 5.75 million MT, an increase of 36.3% from what had been achieved in 2018. The feat was largely a...
Bangladesh’s Unutilized Refining Capacity Amid Slow Down in Imports
Bangladesh has an installed refining capacity of approximately 3.8 million MT which is dominated by 8 business houses. These 8 groups have multiple refineries in various parts of the country and control nearly 95% of the total installed capacity. Since palm oil is the leading edible oil imported and...
MCO in Bangladesh Threatens Ramadan Demand for Oils & Fats
COVID-19 came as a havoc on oils and fats market of Bangladesh. Since Ramadan, the peak consumtion vis-à-vis import period of oils and fats in the country, is ensuing, refiners, importers and traders were ready for a bumper business and were prepared themselves accordingly. Importers cum refiners ha...
Sub-Continent Region – Covid Update
The latest apprehension of the coronavirus is fast spreading across the world. The virus better known as Covid-19 is rapidly becoming an economic pandemic and the outbreak has since resulted in the drying up of palm oil demand particularly in China, where the outbreak first originated. This will cer...